Showing posts with label best digital marketing professionals in india. Show all posts
Showing posts with label best digital marketing professionals in india. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

How to Develop an App like Instagram?


Design an App Like Instagram

Instagram has become the need of the hour, and it is a cross-platform app developed on the React Native platform. From being a social media platform that initially allowed its users to socialize with their friends to being a vast platform for business, Instagram has come a long way. With the aid of this article, you will learn about Instagram's history, how to develop a similar app and how it is helpful in business. 

How to Develop an App like Instagram



Well, in its initial form, Instagram was comprehended as Burbn. Kevin Systrom is the face behind this, who was a mere working professional and used to learn coding at night. After brainstorming for several years, he built an HTML5 prototype named Burbn.

 Know how to develop an App

The following essential step was to give it to his friends and family. This is one of the fundamental business etiquettes where you test your creation with the help of friends and family.

After this, he met several investors at parties and was lucky enough to bag an investment worth $500,000 and quit his job. And then, he returned to the older version (Burbn), prototyped a photosharing app from scratch, and decided to take pictures as the focal point. After this, he realized that he already had an app that had everything, from check-ins to photos.


It led to his meeting with Mike, popularly known as the co-founder of Burbn, and tried to turn it into an iPhone App. But this idea became clustered and resulted in throwing out every other feature except photographs, which led to the renaming of Burbn to Instagram. It became the top-rated photo app and is still sitting on that throne.


Why did Mark Zuckerberg Invest in Instagram?


Mark Zuckerberg came into the scene in 2012 when he bought Instagram for $1 Billion. And this was shocking as the company was working with 13 employees at that time. And now IG's worth is over $100 billion, and it also adds up to $20 billion to Meta's annual revenue.


The technological aspect behind this has a different story. Meta and Instagram are connected, and Meta manages the user data to provide a robust advertising platform. The primary target is the younger generation, with 59% more active on Instagram than Meta. In contrast, people of older age groups are more active on Meta.


Business On Instagram


 App and Lead generation

We found out that Instagram has become one of the best marketplaces and this data. Adding to this, more than 200 Million business accounts are registered on Instagram. 

And almost 130 million users click on that "Shopping" Tab, making the business sector of IG more successful.


Now, there are two types of businesses that we get to see on Instagram:


  1. A company built on Instagram: These small businesses have developed and organically grown and brought in customers.
  2. Business advertising on Instagram: These are big businesses or already established ones using the IG ads as their medium to promote their business, build a strong PR, and convert the leads into customers. Many social media marketing agencies in the USA have mastered this algorithm of IG Ads and are helping their clients with social media marketing. We at Allied are also well equipped with this facility of providing social media marketing to our clients and helping them prosper in the best way possible.


If you want to make an app with high efficiency and is easy to maintain, we cant make it cross-platform. This is why a few app devs wish to develop such applications to be native, which are more stable than the cross-platform app.


Instagram broke all the barriers as a powerful social media platform that helps you grow.

And the whole internet is now spammed with the monetization of Instagram reels, making it worth it for the influencers to earn more money. Influencers on Instagram have emerged since the pandemic happened and are now a massive industry in itself. Many small and even big businesses are approaching IG influencers to promote their product on the page. 


And in this process, reels have been the best option to reach as many people as possible. The monetization would help these influencers to earn a minimum of $100 at 50k views. We also hear that the algorithm would become more strict than the prevailing one.


Difference between Instagram Clone and An app like Instagram

At first, we need to find a thin line between an app like Instagram and an Instagram clone.

An app like Instagram is similar to it with similar features but not wholly the same. There can be other features as well. But an Instagram clone is different, and it is the exact copy of Instagram with the same features and different names. #1 App company is Meta, followed by Messenger, Whatsapp, and Instagram.


There has been fuss all around in recent times regarding the clones of these apps, and the only reason behind this is the revenue these apps are generating.


What is the Time of Developing an App like Instagram, and How Much Does it CAs a powerful social media platform, st?


Allied Technologies is known as the best app development agency in the USA. In our opinion, the secret of its success lies in the set of exciting features, the simplicity of the interface, and excellent app performance. But let's not go into too much detail or consider having them one by one.


To start a development process, you should be clear about the options your app will include. The User experience with your application begins with account authorization. Consider providing the opportunity to register with an email account, phone number, or a social media page. The total time for implementing this option is about 67 hours, both for backend and mobile development. Once users have logged in, they should edit the account. Primary changeable fields include name, gender, phone number, website, etc.


For this, add 48 hours to the total build time. Let your customers communicate with you using a message exchange option. Set it up so that they can chat in real-time. It increases the development time further to 132 hours.


Settings should be adjustable for convenience of usage. Let your customers choose the interface language, enable/disable push notification, set the account as private, etc. Depending on the number and complexity of settings, consider adding 96 to 128 hours.


 Uploading photos and videos is an essential Instagram App. Do not forget such details as preview display, uploading existing content, commenting, tagging, taking pics, etc. This functionality might take from 76 up to 320 development hours.


 Instagram is known for its filters. Amaro, Brannan, Hudson, Slumber, Cream- to list just a few of them. Users like to play photos by changing how they look, and that's why picture customization is a must-have for your App.


 Note that applying standard filters doesn't take many time-36 hours in total. However, to create custom filters, you should add 16 hours for each one. Don't forget about rotating, straightening, and setting up perspectives.


All in all, time for adding photo customization will take 68 hours. What is good about Instagram is that you can interact with friends, other than which social network they prefer. The more social media you can integrate into your App, the better. However, consider adding 8 hours for implementing each of them.


 The integration of geolocation help to extend the functionality of your application and make it more interesting. Users like sharing places where photos and videos are taken. To include this option, add another 24 hours total time of development.


Last but not least is the addition of a search option. Allow users to look for information using a set of predefined parameters—for example, filter by light post or tagged photos. Be ready to spend 64 hours on this. I have reviewed all the basic options to be included in an app similar to Instagram. However, the cost does not end here.


As well as being functionality-rich, your App should have good-looking and user-friendly. To achieve that, add 60 hours for or for the UI design. An app based on photo and video sharing won't survive without a reliable dedicated service. The hosting price may greatly vary depending on the disk speed, data traffic, storage type, operating hours, physical server location, etc.


Start with free hosting, then move on to the more powerful but more expensive storage services. Development team location may significantly affect your App costs. To save money, we advise you to hire an experienced app development agency based in the USA who understands your needs and has tremendous experience in this field. Ukrainian coders are likely to charge you about $50 per hour.


We recommend creating a native application since this is a sure way to provide the best user experience. In this view, consider multiplying the development time depending on the number of operating systems you want to cover. As a minimum, you should double the cost to create both IOS and Android platforms. We have read that stage where a bottom line price can be calculated. The formula is relatively simple. We will multiply the total time required by the hourly rate of the development team, which is a final sum of $67,000 approximately.

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Wednesday, December 22, 2021


Hire the best  virtual receptionist companies in the USA

Know-How You Can Use Meta For Your Business Success

The new world, a virtual world, which is the future, is Metaverse. It is a completely different aspect of modern technology that has left humans awestruck with its functionalities. The development simply shifted from 3-Dimensional movies that we used to watch as kids using smart glasses at multiplexes to the 3D world with different 3D models of humans. The question still remains what is exactly metaverse and why has the biggest virtual receptionist service platform; Facebook has changed its course of operation along with its name. How will it affect other business ventures? Is it important for the government to consider metaverse as a completely newest aspect of technology?

Know More about Meta

There are still a lot of questions remaining regarding metaverse and very little knowledge is being provided on the internet. Virtual Reality(VR) and Augmented Reality(AR) have been there in our communities for a long time now but more and more discussions about the virtual world have started right now, in 2021. Facebook is now Meta and has changed its name. This created a commotion all around the world as most of us are heavy social media users of WhatsApp and Instagram as well. This made us think that how is it going to affect our lives or change them completely. Let’s go step by step and find answers to all the questions.


Why did Facebook change its name to Meta?

A simple answer would be to keep up with the changing science and improving technology. The complex answer to this needs some analysis in the field of business. Though Facebook is the largest social media platform, we cannot forget that it’s a business with Mark Zuckerberg as the name behind its existence.

 Metaverse on Facebook can connect you with your friend circle easily. In a very simple explanation, we can say that Meta will create a Virtual Reality World, where you are the character, whose 3D avatars will be placed and those avatars will react according to your expressions along with a lot of other things inside. Metaverse creators have taken up the responsibility to help you learn that technology has no limitations.

When the founder letter was released on 28th October by none other than Mark Zuckerberg, it was claimed that now is the time to accept a new brand that depicts the future technology. Now, the business of Facebook will diverge into two different segments: One of which belongs to the family of apps and the other will be related to technology.

As he explained, Meta means beyond and Facebook Company wants to move forward, beyond what we see as a possibility today.

There are other speculations all around the globe regarding the reason behind the change of the name from Facebook to Meta, where some people have made claims that one of its reason is to keep the stock prices and investors in coordination as the stock prices started declining before the major announcement.

But the simple statement claims that Meta is a different sci-fi world, and that’s what is the sole reason for the substitution.

MetaVerse Simplified

If we explain this theory in the layman language, we will have to stick to an example. Let’s take PUBG for example. Pubg came into existence in 2017 and blew the minds of people, especially youth with the kind of technology that they use. They can simply create a room inside the game where over 100s people can join in, come together, talk with each other and play. A virtual scenic view is created in this game with different locations and much more. If you are a game enthusiast, you must have come across this mesmerizing gaming experience.

In PUBG, you also get to create your digital avatar, that plays your role inside the game. Metaverse is almost similar to this kind of technology, where there’s a virtual world and people can come together and talk to each other easily. All they need to utilize is smart glass, PC, and internet. The only difference is, there will be another world on a digital platform.

Utilization of Metaverse in Different Business Industries

If utilized in the right way, this technology can help any industry boost and become a multimillionaire one. Let’s analyze these industries and how they are going to be affected using them.

As we talked about Facebook earlier, it is better to discuss the role of meta in business industries. The business industry is enormous and has variant sectors. The use of metaverse in such sectors can not only be helpful in enhancing the companies technologically but also financially. Let us find out different sectors and the use of metaverse in it.

For Investors

The future it is, investment in this sector can make you not only a multimillionaire but one of the leaders in the industry. Recently, we got to know that another entertainment giant, Disnep has announced the inclusion of metaverse as well. So, why are people investing in such a world? The answer is, higher ROI rates that investors will be getting not now but definitely in the future.

For Event Managers

Event managers can grab this astounding opportunity to present their events or works to their would-be clients and easily close the deal. Now, the clients can easily witness the wedding or a distance wedding and check on the services provided closely, by just using the Virtual Reality headsets.

For Architects

Architects or architectural business’ has also got a chance to elevate their presentation by wiping out the older method of the present scenario of presenting 3D models of the design at the same place, and make the clients be assured of the real architectural design when it will be all ready, for the real world.

For Hospitality

Metaverse for Hotel

Well, this industry can definitely take up this idea to evolve further into the digital world. Major 5 star hospitality business chains can plan for business expansions in the virtual world and provide a room for the metahumans or digital avatars to meet and greet and stay together with a required amount of fee charged. Payment in this world can only be possible with the use of cryptocurrency.

For Tourism Industry

As we all are hit by the pandemic, travel restrictions increased and now you can’t easily visit whichever country you want. This has also affected the tourism industry widely all around the world as people are traveling lesser than previous. But being technologically improved, the tourism industry can also not sit back and incur losses, instead, they can definitely earn profits and grow businesses.

Though it can not replace real tourism and its feels, the level of thrill can easily be matched up to some extent. VR excursion is a good option in such a case, where a virtual city tour can be given with the local feels.

There’s a website namely Drive and Listen, that is related to such a kind of excursion where you can simply sit in front of your PC and enjoy the driving experience of different cities and listen to the street noise along with the local radio at the same time. The creator of this website is Erkam who made this website during the pandemic that can uplift or relax your mood instantly.

For Education

Suppose you are sitting in your room and teaching 200 students at the same time without the students being present there. You will think that this can definitely be done by being on a video call as all the universities are doing the same. But, with metaverse, the situation is simply reversed. Get the feel of being in a real classroom and teaching s many students as you can by just being where you are. Well, when students get connected to the internet and use VR glasses, their 3D models can substitute them and work as per the expressions of the real person.

Some of the major universities have already adapted this format of teaching as the new normal and will improve as the scenario of the lockdown worsens.

For Government

For governments of different countries, metaverse can generate profits in many ways. If the government of a certain country owns its own cryptocurrency rather than using bitcoins or etherium or dogecoin or any other currency, the government can earn more and more profits.

This is also helpful for the civil servants or people who are serving in the army to help them meet their long-distance family members and loved ones. This is a very beautiful concept in this context.

For App Designing Companies

App development agencies in the USA have already come across this new technology and are working on this project for years now. App development can also be elevated and expanded to certain levels using the metaverse and give great and amazing gaming experiences. There are many games such as cricket or baseball right now that can be played using VR smart glasses, that let you feel the reality to the core.


Other industries such as the best digital marketing agencies in the USA have also started to utilize this electrifying chance to help their clients reach heights in the business.



AR: Through Augmented Reality(AR), you can see or add a digital avatar on the live scenario through the help of your phone’s camera. AR is being in use these days widely, especially by e-commerce websites that sell products for homes and other places. For instance, Amazon has started the AR preview facility for home decor items that makes it easy for the customers to decide. From a customer’s perspective, when you can see the product in your home through your camera, you can understand the product in a better way. It can be anything, a sofa, a painting or any other home decor piece.

VR: VR or Virtual Reality is what most of you are already aware of you. VR is something that we are accustomed to through 3D cinemas. With improvement in tech, VR has reached a whole new level and lets you experience the actual world in your own surroundings. Immersion content is what you get to experience.

MR: Coming to MR or Mixed Reality, it is actually a combination of both AR and VR that gives you a mixed experience. Mixed Reality is right now emerging and is a new form of technology. Microsoft’s Holo Lens is said to be the first apparatus in the whole world to come up with this combined technology.

XR: Extended Reality acts as a shed under which all other digital enhancements fall including VR, AR, and MR as well.



Now you all are aware of the fact that your digital avatars are nothing but metahumans, which you can also create through a website namely Metahuman Character. With the help of coding, you can have the face and body structure designed for any human being in the world. Metahuman Creator is a cloud-based application that helps you to create and animate your other projects as well. 

On this website, the access is actually for everyone, all you need is to request it and there you go. This website is made user-friendly and easy to use. There are diverse ranges in the databases from which you need to choose a starting point and get started. Now, you can use sculpting tools for which all you need is to just drag it on your digital human. These metahumans are said to be physically plausible, that worlds according to data stored in the database, and makes your human look real. For accuracy, you can select the skin complexion and hair color carefully.

Here, the highest quality is guaranteed and it works on high-end PCs. You can even see every strand of hair, be it on the eyelids, head or beard. It comes with more than 50 readymade humans too.

Facebook Creators Bonus Program That Helps You Earn

A page on Meta namely “Meta for Creators” has recently created an outstanding opportunity for the creators to earn now. Now, there will be some monetization tools using which the creators can create unique reels and even go on live streams. Now, with the help of Meta, you can earn by doing what you love. This is what just the beginning looks like for us as creators on Meta. For more information, you can simply visit this link:

If you want to know more about VR in general, you can also book an experience at nowhere but Sandbox VR, with which you can have an eye-opening experience along with your friends.


Friday, November 19, 2021

How to Develop an App - The Ultimate Guide



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Advance SEO techniques

App or application is a trend now that most businesses are following in order to grow digitally on a global basis. Growing through an application makes it easier for businesses as well as customers. A mobile application is easier and more user-friendly and hence is considered as one of the most proficient ways of expanding online. But how to create an application is a question that most of you might be confused about. Creating an app is not a cakewalk but requires a lot of effort such as market research, coding, generating the ideology, and much more. SEO Expert

Well in order to develop an application and launch it on different platforms, you need to consider the following steps given below. This will definitely solve your query and at the end of this article, you will have an elaborate knowledge of app development.

Let us first point out the steps to create an app before we dive into the details:

1.     Drafting an idea

2.     Market research

3.     Trying out different ways to build the application

4.     Major focus on the graphics and UI of the app

5.     Pre-plan the marketing strategies for your app

6.     Coding

7.     Launching your app

 Now let us dig deep and find out what these pointers have to say.

1.    Drafting the Idea/Plan

 Top 10 Digital Marketing Strategies 2022

 No app can be built without an idea. You should always be aware of what your app is going to be, how is it going to look, and for whom you are going to build it: the target audience. For this, you need to make sure that your idea is unique if you really want your application to stand out. It should not be derived from any other similar app as that would simply remain unnoticed in the eyes of the market. Most of entrepreneurs are becoming millionaires because of a unique app idea that has made them stand out from their market competitors.

Even if you are unable to find a unique idea, go for twisting the already existing idea and making it more usable as well as preferable by the customers.

2.    Market Research



What’s the point in making an application if you are unaware of your target audience? Every entrepreneur who is seeking to develop an application for the convenience of marketing and selling their products, always tends to research about the market and that’s when they go ahead in the process of idea implementation.

Market Research Guide: The primary concern of conducting market research deals with challenges that come in the way not just at the initial level but overall at higher levels. These challenges aren’t just related to the app development process but to the business as a whole.

Secondly, you should definitely find out ways to reach out to your target customers or your existing customers to access their needs and wants, in order to provide the best outcome.


 Never rely on a plan that is creating a buzz on a current basis. Think ahead of time and research if your plan will still be in use by the people even after 5 to 10 years and not become outmoded in a year or two.


3.    Trying Out Different Ways to Build an Application




 If you are building an application, the major thing to consider is the different ways of building an application. Just like any other thing, there are several ways to develop these web apps that are customized and curated according to one’s comfort zone. So, the different ways to develop an app that you can choose from are:

â—Ź      Low Code Environment: Not everyone is comfortable with coding, especially people who have no experience in technology. Hence a low-code environment is an app development space where you can easily make your application without coding. This kind of experience is possible with Webflow where you need not rely on codes to build an application.

â—Ź      Back end and Front end Database: This is an app developing environment where you are required to code to build an application, where Front end DB is a UI, which in layman's language collects the user data and information and sends it to the back end.

â—Ź      Fullstack App Development: This is a form of binding both, the back-end and front-end database gets developed altogether along with debugging of the sites, as a result of which your application runs seamlessly without a single glitch.

â—Ź      OS-based Apps: With the help of the Application Program Interface(API), the application programs simply utilize the operating system to ask for permission for the services.

4.    Major Focus on the UI of the App



Do not, I repeat do not make a complex application with a convoluted user interface. Make it as easy as possible for a layman to understand as your application is definitely the visage or representation of your brand. Make sure you have pointed out the features your app will be running on.

Along with the graphic design, authenticate that the content in your app is relevant and has an apt number of keywords to attract the traffic itself. Even the name of the application can have the major keyword in it. For instance, if you are generating a language learning application, establish a fact that the name of a particular language is in the name of your application so that when a person searches on the App Store with the same language, the tendency of your application to rank higher increases. Think like a customer. What is it that you want on any other similar website? How would you want it to look? Of course, you would like it to be convenient and user-friendly so that, as a layman, you can understand the message a specific brand wants to convey.

5.    Pre-Plan the Marketing Strategies of Your Application



Your quest should not end just after market research. Marketing strategies are the only way you can reach the milestone that you desire. So make sure that you have an experienced marketing team who can do wonders with their own unique strategies. You can definitely find some mind-blowing strategies if you Google it, but how to apply them strategically and according to your brand requirements is something that comes from experience only. You can compare similar apps present in the market to find out the defects and make your app immaculate.

You can never go wrong with SocialMedia Marketing and Search Engine Marketing if you are aware of the algorithm of both social media platforms and search engines. You can run the PPC ads for it by using major advertising platforms namely Bing Ads and Google Ads. Both these advertising platforms help attract the target audience conveniently.

But these are just the basic strategies to augment your brand name and customers. These are only applicable with an efficient marketing team that knows this game inside out.


6.    Coding


Coding has been the priority these days and to enter the world of tech, one needs to have a grasp of the knowledge of coding. And this isn’t something that you learn only once, but you learn something new daily because of the prevailing requirements in the tech industry.

App development can be proceeded in a no-code environment but not always. For instance, if you are developing a web app for iOS, you need the objective C coding language. Such other code languages are prevailing with their specified usage such as Xcode, which is only possible on Mac.

You can always opt for more options such as C++, Python, and Swift which you might have come across.

7.    Deployment/Launching on the App Store(iOS and Android)


 Deployment is the final stage of any app development procedure. Deployment or launching an app is only conducted after checking the bugs and getting approval from the app store to check if your app does match the standard or not. A beta testing is conducted before the installation and configuration of the app by the app stores. This is again a task that can be done only with the help of experts who has a grip over these functionalities.

As it’s already been mentioned above, app development is something that can only be comprehended under the supervision of experts. In this case, it is best to take a step forward to approach the app development agencies that are equipped with such experts. But, in a developed country like the USA,  it is very difficult to hire an app development agency as there are innumerable options to choose from. But there are a few specialties that not every agency would be following:

➢     An app developing team with a group of experts with more than 5 years of experience in this field.

➢     An agency with a designated digital marketing team so that you need not go to any other different platform for the marketing purpose of your application

➢     Agencies using Agile and Gantt Chart methodology as the rapid development technique.

➢     App Development and testing were performed on an updated OS.

➢     An agency that makes use of the latest expo-react-native to build the latest app UI/UX.

➢     Use of international standard delivery technique that makes the multiple project delivery faster.

➢     Make sure your agency uses international API guidelines to build the application.

Or, you can simply call on (800) 936-0755  for more information on hiring the best app development agency in the USA.