
Showing posts with the label hotel and resort

Stape by Stape Revenue Management Strategy

  Best hotel in India    1   2   3   4   5 Why Revenue Management is Mandatory for Hotel Business. Revenue management strategies or Hotels Many hoteliers still scratching their heads when it comes to revenue management, larger segments of the industry like SMEs are still not wholly convinced of its value. rather than discuss why it should be a mandatory part of your hotel’s operations, the First question we need to understand is What is revenue management? Why is it so popular in the hotel industry? Almost every industry out there follows some form of revenue management – some call it business analytics or pricing strategies, but the goal is the same. When it comes to hospitality businesses, however, there are three factors that make revenue management a lot more relevant. *Limited inventory: There are a fixed amount of rooms for sale. *Perishable resources: Unsold rooms, seats in a