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Hotel Marketing Strategies 2022
In the last 2 months, I have attended more than 100 webinars and live sessions to understand Covid 19 and its impact on human life & the Economy. Most of the sessions were organized by Spiritual Gurus, A++ B School, and national & International organizations. Unfortunately, most of the Session ended with a quote like “it is very challenging”.
Now two things are very clear, We have to survive with Covid-19 (Corona Virus) and Hard immunity would be the solution to the economy back on track until vaccines come into the market.
With the understanding of the fatal effect of Covid 19, I can say it is very difficult to back to normal life now at the same time we have to open up our economic activities. Already many organizations open the door.
On the basis of my study, I have chalked out a plan” How we can open our business” for sustainable growth during the “Corona crisis “ and am pleased to share the same with all of you.
1. Improve the ‘Mental health” of your employee. Your employee is your asset. Offer a healthy environment, it may include Safety and security, Sanitation, and hygiene. Help them to boost up their immunity system by offering immunity boosters it can be the form of medicine or food.
2. Make it mandatory for half an hour breathing exercise and meditation for your all employee.
3. Keep your employee positive, safe, and motivated.
4. Plan to open your business phase-wise, one department or segment by another.
5. Keep your capital ready – Reduce your expenses.
6. Distance your goal.
7. Go Digital. Remember if you do not have a good digital platform you will not be in business.
8. Make your digital marketing from your existing strength.
9. Check your business feasibility or alternative business. Many businesses may close down due to COVID -19 crises.
10. Change your mindset. Old patterns and old mindsets may not work out. Be prepared for change.
11. Develop your product service offering according to customer needs. Consumer behaviour is changing radically.
12. Business format needs to be changed – Change Management.
13. Tanning and skill Development on IT, IoT, and technology.
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